Diagnostic Services

At Malibu Veterinary Hospital, we believe in investing heavily in the latest diagnostic equipment and technology to help our furry patients. Our digital radiography facility has completely eliminated the use of arduous darkroom chemical processing of x-rays films. The system utilises the latest DR technology and enables us to obtain high-quality x-ray images quickly, thus improving the comfort of your pet and minimising any sedation or anaesthesia time required.
Our well-equipped in-house laboratory allows us to evaluate patients quickly, saving precious time in urgent/critical cases and allowing us to plan treatment faster. We are able to evaluate urine, measure vital parameters for kidney and liver function, assess for anaemia and protein loss, electrolytes, blood gas analysis and clotting times. An external veterinary laboratory (VetPath) service complements our in-house lab and there are twice daily courier sample pick-ups on weekdays.